
Schedule Your Next Oil Change with Just Your Cell Phone

Book service using your cell phone

You’ve probably heard that GoMobileX makes it really easy to service your vehicle. And if you’ve used our service before, you know just how much time and money GoMobileX saves its customers.

But did you know it’s just as easy to schedule service with GoMobileX?

Not only does GoMobileX come to your home or office at your convenience to perform scheduled automotive maintenance services, but we make it possible to book an appointment anytime, anywhere, as long as we have your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) or license plate number.

Why does GoMobileX need my VIN?

The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is your automobile’s serial number, and it informs GoMobileX technicians of your vehicle’s exact specifications. The VIN tells our techs how much and what type of oil your vehicle requires, as well as what replacement parts it needs. Without the VIN, GoMobileX cannot properly service your vehicle according to Original Equipment Manufacturer specifications (OEM specs).

How do I find my VIN?

The VIN is typically found on the driver’s dashboard or on the inside of the driver’s door. We put together this handy graphic to show you exactly where the VIN plate can be found.

Another option is to check your vehicle’s insurance policy and registration, which also lists the VIN. 

So too would any car payment or prior auto service receipt.

What do I do if I don’t have my VIN?

Fortunately, GoMobileX makes it really easy to book service even if you don’t have your VIN handy!

Through our online scheduling tool, users can either enter their VIN or license plate number in order to identify their vehicles, and they can choose to manually enter that information or upload a photo of either. With your license plate information, GoMobileX can obtain your automobile’s VIN and service your vehicle according to OEM specs.

Is it better to book GoMobileX service on my phone or desktop?

That’s entirely up to you — GoMobileX can schedule appointments whether the customer uses a desktop, ipad or cell phone.

GoMobileX does make it easy to take a photo and upload a photo of your VIN or license plate directly from your phone, as shown below.

Moreover, people who book using their phones can use Apple Pay or Google Payments to pay their $25 deposit, and they can save their payment information, further speeding up the overall process.

What if I don’t have my license plate number or my VIN? Can I still schedule GoMobileX service?

If you have neither your license plate or VIN handy but would still like to schedule GoMobileX service, you’re still in luck. You can begin your registration and save your progress until you have your information handy.

Can I call you and schedule GoMobileX service over the phone?

We get it — sometimes you just want to talk to someone on the phone to book an appointment.

We look forward to showing you why so many customers love GoMobileX!